My entry for the Fireside Jam 2024.

After thinking about the theme "Expand" for a day, I decided to make a game where you run away from an expanding big bang. Initially I considered having something else run from an expanding black hole but ultimately decided on this version.

This is a solo project. Feel free to share any feedback you might have.

I recommend playing it in Chrome or downloading the windows executable file for better performance. I tested it on Firefox too but it has some unintended behavior there.

How to Play:

Control a Black Hole (or multiple) as they try to escape from a Big Bang.
Click and Drag around the center of the screen to orbit around it.

Avoid other Black Holes and collect Nebulae for as long as possible.

Click on White Dwarves to make them go supernova and create another Black Hole.

(Where the new Black Hole spawns depends on where the White Dwarf was)

Having more of YOUR Black Holes on the screen will multiply your score earned

as well as expanding your area to make collection easier.

But keep in mind, any of your Black Holes falling in will cause you to lose a life.

Manage the risk and reward accordingly.

You will get an extra life when your score reaches a new digit, starting at 100.000.


Game made in Godot 4.

Visuals made in Inkscape.

Audio made in LMMS.

Fonts are VarelaRound and Orbitron from Google Fonts

Every other asset is made by me, either from scratch or using default samples in these programs.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

BigBang Run-Windows ver. 71 MB


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Fun game! I like the visuals a lot. It does get quite difficult to not lose a life immediately once you have 3 black holes simultaneously, but maybe that's just on me ðŸ˜…